December 2016pc150040


In December 2016 the process of changes in the ownership of C-Energy Bohemia s.r.o. was completed. C-Energy Group a.s. owns 100% share. The only shareholders of C-Energy Group a.s. are Michal Susak and Ivo Nejdl.


Only flat space has remained on the site where the cooling towers used to be. See our PHOTOGALLERY for pictures showing the process of pulling down the cooling towers.


Best Energy Production Company 2016,awarded by the CV Magazine which grants Eastern European Business Elite Awards is another significant award received by C-Energy Bohemia for the successful ecologization and modernization of the plant.  Prizewinners are carefully picked based on assessment and recommendation from a network of respected industry partners and dedicated insiders. The project of the replacement of old equipment from the 1950s and 1960s with a  new, modern, efficient and variable source which makes it possible to produce electricity and heat from various fuels - in two coal boilers connected to a modern desulphurization unit and four gas cogeneration blocks was recently also appreciated by the Heating Plant Association of the Czech Republic or by the Ministry of Industry and Trade.


December 2016pb230521


Old, disused cooling towers were pulled down – their removal has significantly changed the skyline of the plant. See our PHOTOGALLERY for pictures showing the work in progress.

Spare parts kept in stock have been moved from the old metal warehouse into renovated building of the former locotractor garage; however, C-Energy Bohemia has decided to start using the new entrance and reception only in spring 2017. By the summer of 2017 the administrative building will get a new, insulated coat as well.

All the new production technology has been in operation and supplies heat and electricity to the customers; C-Energy Bohemia currently continues with minor capex projects which shall result in the upgrade and renewal of related technological equipment which was not included in the large project of heating plant ecologization.


On Tuesday 22nd November 2016 winners of the 14th year of the countrywide competition called Czech Energy and Ecological Project, Structure and Innovation of 2015 were announced. The director of C-Energy Bohemia, Ivo Nejdl, took over several awards from representatives of ministries during the event. The company received a total of three awards – one from organizers of the competition, one from the Ministry of Trade and Commerce and one from the Czech Chamber of Authorized Engineers and Technicians. All the awards were granted for the successful completion of the project of heating plant ecologization and also for the construction of a highly variable source which makes it possible to produce heat and electricity from various fuels and for the technical solution which makes it possible to produce steam from gas engine flue gas. 

September 2016p6080043

During the past summer maintenance was performed on all the main production equipment in the heating plant; now at the very beginning of autumn, everything is ready for another heating season.

During the summer outage of the TG3 turbine, the output from TG3 was switched to a new outlet via the 10.5 kV substation which extended the flexibility of the plant´s production equipment configuration.

At the end of August a contractor started removing the inner lining of the old, disused, concrete cooling towers. During October heavy machinery will arrive and the towers themselves will be demolished by hydraulic scissors.

The former garage of locotractors (LOCO building) has got a new, insulated jacket and currently the interior of the building is being repaired. Spare parts from the old metal warehouse will be moved to a new warehouse in the LOCO building. The metal warehouse will be subsequently pulled down and replaced with a car park for employees and visitors of C-Energy Bohemia.

C-Energy is currently running a tendering procedure for the project of renovation and thermal insulation of the administrative building. Offices in the administrative building will also be refurbished while the exterior of the building is repaired.


July 2016p5060235

Lower demand for steam and hot water during summer months enables the heating plant staff to perform a range of maintenance tasks on the plant equipment and inspections of machines. Thanks to the variability of production equipment in the heating plant in Planá nad Lužnicí it is possible plan outages in such a way that supplies of steam and hot water to industrial plants and households do not have to be interrupted.

The summer outage of the TG3 turbine will take place between 1st August 2016 – 16th August 2016. Beside necessary maintenance tasks, the output from TG3 will be switched to a new outlet via the 10,5 kV substation which will extend the flexibility of the plant´s production equipment configuration.

C-Energy plans to pull down the old, disused, concrete cooling towers (37 meters tall) which will be a significant change in the panorama of the Planá industrial zone. This is to take place in autumn 2016.

The former locotractor garage is being repaired now and will be used as a guard house, workshop and warehouse. In the following years the company plans to modernize and repair the office building and other buildings on the premises. 

May 2016navsteva ministra

On 16th May 2016 Minister of Industry and Trade Jan Mládek visited the heating plant in Planá nad Lužnicí. Members of the company management introduced the project of renovation and ecologization of the plant  to the Minister; they specifically emphasized that the project has reduced the ecological impact of the production significantly within the whole Tábor region, and guaranteed stable supplies of power and steam to companies within the industrial zone of Planá nad Lužnicí. In addition to that the Minister was informed about plans and intentions of the plant. Another important topic was the future of national and European power engineering. At the end the Minister had a tour of the renovated plant and looked at the new equipment.

Articles about the event and photos from the event have been published on Jan Mládek´s website and also in the local newspaper.



The Táborské Listy Daily wrote: Ministr v teplárně


April 201626 4-212 dolezal

Our project Renovation and Ecologization of the Heating Plant in Planá nad Lužnicí was granted an award by the Association for the District Heating of the Czech Republic for significant reduction of air pollution.

The life-long work and effort of the General Manager of C-Energy Bohemia, Libor Doležal, in the field of power engineering was acknowledged by the Czech Association of Energy Sector Employers.

The press release from the conference where the awards were granted says:

The objective of the complex renovation project was to build a variable source which would make it possible to concurrently produce electricity and heat from various fuels – specifically from (i) natural gas in cogeneration units of gas motors (output 4 x 9,17 MWe) and in a renovated spare gas boiler (ii) brown coal in new grate-type boilers with fluid technology features (output 2 x 32.9 MWt). The newly installed equipment has significantly increased the efficiency of the plant and significantly decreased the amount of air polluting emissions. Flue gas from coal boilers is cleaned in a new desulphurization unit. Flue gas from gas boilers is cleaned by means of a modern catalytic method.  As far as the total production of emissions is concerned – all of them have been reduced significantly: SO2 by 86%, NOx by 60% and dust nuisance by 59%. 


March 2016

C-Energy Bohemia s.r.o. is  one of the candidates considered for the Cristal Chimney Award in the category Reduction of air polluting emissions. 


February 2016teplarna-ze-vzduchu

After the project of complex renovation of the heating plant in Planá nad Lužnicí has been completed, C-Energy Bohemia s.r.o. produces heat and electricity in a new, very modern and highly ecological equipment. Between August 2013 and October 2015 the following was installed in the plant: 4 gas motor-generators (4 x 9 MWe), 4 HRSG boilers which utilize heat from motor exhaust fumes (4 x 4 tons of steam/hour),  two new modern coal boilers (40 tons of steam/hour/each) and a new desulphurization unit. In addition to that the company had its steam turbine adjusted to new steam parameters which made it more efficient. The whole heat distribution system underwent complex renovation; most buildings connected to it are supplied with more economical hot water instead of steam. The renovation of the water distribution system helped to reduce losses in this system. Some of the implemented projects were partly funded by European Union – The Cohesion Fund within the Operational programme “Environment”. Worth mentioning is the fact that the whole renovation project was executed under full operation of the plant with minimum impact on customers. Photographs from the project implementation are available from the Image gallery.

C-Energy does not intend to stop its development activities. At the moment its technicians are dealing with the capability of the plant for black-start and island mode operation. Black-start makes it possible to operate the plant and produce electricity after a blackout occurs; island mode operation makes it possible to operate a local part of the electricity grid independently of the electricity grid in the Czech Republic.