December 13, 2013stavba1


Ecologization and renovation of the heating plant in Planá nad Lužnicí: In harmony with the project schedule the milestone 2/I – foundations for the gas motor and HRSG boilers building and their stacks - was completed on 27th November 2013. Works currently continue with the construction of above-ground sections of the building. The renovation of the K4 boiler is about to be completed. The basic design documentation for the whole project was handed over by the contractor at the beginning of December 2013 and has been reviewed. For more info about the project click HERE

Gas pipeline: Gas pipeline has been laid in its whole length and the technology has been completed. The company Streicher have been eliminating minor defects. On 11th December 2013 the trial operation was launched and the device is ready to supply gas to the heating plant. Offtake of gas from the NET4GAS transit system has started.

Renovation of the heat distribution system: On 10th December 2013 the tender documentation on the project Renovation of the heat distribution system in Planá nad Lužnicí was published on the following website.

November 15, 201314112013319


 Ecologization and renovation of the heating plant in Planá nad Lužnicí: The construction works have been launched recently.  The foundations for the gas motor building are currently built. For more information about the project click HERE.

Gas pipeline: STREICHER spol. s r.o. has continued with the construction of the high-pressure gas pipeline which will bring gas to the C-Energy premises; the project will  be completed in December 2013.


Within the concept of supporting youth sports activities within the region, C-Energy Bohemia s.r.o. has contributed a significant amount of money to FC MAS Táborsko a.s.. In addition to that, some funds have been granted to the sports club TJ SPARTAK MAS Sezimovo Ústí.


September 12 2013p9260052


Ecologization and renovation of the heating plant in Planá nad Lužnicí: the general supplier „Corporation of PSG and Invelt Planá” took over the building site on Thursday 29 Aug. 2013. Construction works will be lunched in October by the construction of the foundations for the gas engine buliding.

Gas pipeline: STREICHER spol. s r.o. has been constructing the high-pressure gas pipeline which will bring gas to the C-Energy premises; the project is expected to be completed in December 2013.

Repair of the water distribution system: DAICH spol. s r.o. is finalizing works on the large-scale upgrade of water pipelines.


C-Energy Bohemia s.r.o. has contributed a significant amount of money to the Tábor theatre for an upgrade of their admission ticket system. More info Social responsibility


August 15 2013plyn1


Ecologization and renovation of the heating plant in Planá nad Lužnicí: the general supplier „Corporation of PSG and Invelt Planá” will take over the building site on Thursday 29 Aug. 2013. Preparatory and design works are currently in progress.

Gas pipeline: STREICHER spol. s r.o. launched the construction of the high-pressure gas pipeline in July; the project is expected to be completed in December 2013.

The replacement of 110 kV cables and T102 transformer: completed; final hand-over of the work at the end of August

Repair of the water distribution system: DAICH spol. s r.o. continues in harmony with the agreed schedule so that the supplies of water from the water mains operated by JVS could start at the end of August 2013.


C-Energy Bohemia s.r.o. has contributed money for two planned cultural events organized by the town of Planá nad Lužnicí – Opening of the D3 Highway and St. Wenceslas' Day Festival

July 12 2013plyn2


A contract was signed with the winner of the public tender for the general supplier in the project Ecologization and Renovation of the Heating Plant in Planá nad Lužnicí. The project will be implemented by a group of companies called “Corporation PSG and Invelt Planá” which comprises PSG-International a.s. and INVELT SERVIS, s.r.o. Works will be launched next month and the project is expected to be completed in September 2015. 


• STREICHER spol. s r.o., which was contracted to build the high-pressure gas pipeline to the heating plant will start working on the project during July 2013.

• The replacement of the 110 kV cables and T102 transformer is about to be completed – COFELY a.s. will finish the project during the turbine outage in  the second half of July.

• The complete renovation of water distribution pipelines in the industrial premises carried out by DAICH spol. s r.o. proceeds in harmony with the agreed time schedule so that supplies from the water mains operated by JVS could be launched at the end of August 2013

June 2013Luznicka_Slapka_Event

Event "Lužnická šlapka"

C-Energy Bohemia s.r.o. has provided money for an event organized within the festival Summer over the Lužnice River. CE sponsored the same event last year too.


May 17 2013110 kV substation

Current events in the project of general renovation of the Planá nad Lužnicí plant

- A contract was signed with company STREICHER  on the construction of a high-pressure gas pipeline to the plant premises. Works will be launched in July and the project is expected to be completed in December 2013.

- The replacement of the 110 kV cables is in progress. This project is planned to be compled in July 2013.

- At the end of April works on the renovation of the water distribution system started. After their completion in August 2013 the production of potable water in the water treatment plant in C-Energy Bohemia will be terminated and the industrial premises will be supplied from water mains operated by JVS.


April 2013vebr-sport

Country Race in Orienteering

C-Energy Bohemia s.r.o. has contributed money to the company vebr-sport o.s. for the organization of the Country Final Race in Orienteering which will be held on 5 june 2013 in Planá nad Lužnicí.

March 26 20130348-a

110 kV conduction

Current events in the project of general renovation of the Planá nad Lužnicí heating plant.

  • Ground  work is in progress in the C-Energy - Silon industrial premises. This is in preparation of the replacement of 110 kV cables which is supposed to be completed in July 2013.
  • Repairs of the water distribution system in the industrial premises will be launched in April. After their completion in August 2013 the water treatment plant of C-Energy Bohemia will be closed down and companies on the premises will be supplied from the water mains operated by JVS.
  • The building permit for the Planá Plant project (Ecologization and Renovation of the Planá Heating Plant) came into force on 21 March 2013 


Babybox February 7 2013

Babybox in Tabor

C-Energy Bohemia s.r.o. donated a significant amount of money for the establishment of a babybox in Tábor.
The babybox was opened in the local old-people's home G-Centrum on Tuesday 5th February 2013.

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