November 20, 2015141

Ecologization and renovation of heating plant in Planá nad Lužnicí: the project was completed as of 30th October 2015; the contractor finished and handed over the last part of the project – boiler K6 – to C-Energy Bohemia s.r.o. and the trial operation was launched. Photographs from the project implementation are available in the PHOTOGALLERY. The heating plant is entering the new heating season with brand new, modern and ecological equipment.

Nevertheless, C-Energy does not intend to stop its development activities; at the moment its technicians are dealing with the capability of the plant for black-start and island mode operation. Black-start makes it possible to operate the plant and produce electricity after a blackout occurs; island mode operation makes it possible to operate a local part of the electricity grid independently of the electricity grid in the Czech Republic. 

October 23, 2015boiler

Ecologization and renovation of the heating plant in Planá nad Lužnicí. Fuel tests have been in progress in the boiler K6 which is under construction. The contractor is planning to finalize works and hand the K6 boiler over to C-Energy Bohemia s.r.o. on 30th October 2015; after that the whole project of Renovation of the heating plant in Planá nad Lužnicí will be completed. Structures and technologies installed on the site during this project include: 4 gas motor-generators (9 MWe output each), 4 HRSG boilers which utilize heat from motor exhaust fumes and produce steam (4 tons of steam/hour/each); two fifty-year-old boilers were dismantled and replaced with two new modern coal boilers (40 tons of steam/hour/each); a new desulphurization unit has been constructed, which significantly reduces the amount of emissions produced by the plant and at the same time enabled the plant to burn also higher-sulphur-content coal. The “smoke” coming out of the chimney of desulphurization absorber is no real smoke, it is in fact cleansed water steam free of all and any impurities. We owe to point out that all the new equipment was built and commissioned while the rest of the plant was in operation and continued supplying heat and electricity to all customers. Photographs from the construction process are available in the PHOTOGALLERY.

TG 3 renovation – The renovation of the turbine-generator was successfully completed as of 30th September 2015. The new rotor started turning at the beginning of September and the whole set was adjusted, tuned and commissioned during the month;  Photographs from the TG3 renovation are available in the PHOTOGALLERY 

The project of Renovation of the heat distribution system was be completed in September. Losses have been reduced thanks to new dimensions of pipelines which suit the current needs of customers better and thanks to the use of modern pre-insulated pipeline technologies; most buildings will now be heated with the use of hot water not steam, which is less economical.


September 5, 2015p8040016

Ecologization and renovation of the heating plant in Planá nad Lužnicí – Pressure parts of boiler K6 have been assembled; on 3rd September an official pressure test was performed; works currently continue with the installation of electrical equipment, metering instruments and insulation. The first start-up and operating tests will be launched in during September. Almost all defects and outstanding works in gas motors have been eliminated; the elimination of defects in K5 and the desulphurization unit is in progress.  Read more information about the project in Planá nad Lužnicí in section PLANA PROJECT. Photographs from the construction process are available in the PHOTOGALLERY.

 Reconstruction of TG3 testing of the renovated 20 MW turbine-generator will be performed in September.  Photographs from the project of the TG3 renovation are available in the PHOTOGALLERY.

 The project of renovation of the heat distribution system will be completed in September. Losses will be reduced thanks to new dimensions of pipelines which suit the current needs of customers better and thanks to the use of modern pre-insulated pipeline technologies; most buildings will now be heated with the use of hot water not steam, which is less economical.

 C-Energy will supply steam, hot water and electricity to the production and storage hall of Compact 3 which is being built in the immediate vicinity of the heating plant and will be operated by Silon s.r.o. 

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Modernizace teplárny v Plané vrcholí čištěním parovodu

V Plané nad Lužnicí vrcholí projekt celkové rekonstrukce teplárny, která se stane po dokončení investic přesahujících 1,4 miliardy korun jedním z nejmodernějších provozů s výrobou energií v České republice. Teplárna významně sníží produkovanou ekologickou zátěž – po dokončení projektu poklesnou emise oxidu siřičitého, oxidu dusíku a prachu o téměř 80 % oproti stavu před rekonstrukcí.

Součástí dokončovacích prací je instalace nového hlavního parovodu pro přenos páry mezi novými kotli a turbínou. Po dokončení montáže je nutné parovod pročistit od zbytků materiálu, které zůstaly uvnitř parovodu po svařování během montáže. Jedná se o tzv. profuk parovodu, který je prováděn parou vyrobenou v kotli.

Společnost C-Energy Bohemia upozorňuje občany v okolí teplárny, že v souvislosti s čištěním nového parovodu dochází v současném období k produkci kouře a hluku. Hluk ani kouř v žádném případě neohrožují zdraví občanů a nejsou důsledkem závady.

Aby byl profuk účinný, je nutné dosáhnout v potrubí vysoké rychlosti páry. Kotel proto pracuje mimo hranice běžného provozu na maximální výkon a může během profuků obtěžovat své okolí i přes nainstalovaný tlumič hlukem a nezvyklým množstvím kouře vycházejícího z komína. 


August 5, 2015p8040108

Ecologization and renovation of the heating plant in Planá nad Lužnicí – In June and July the implementation of the project continued with the construction of the new coal boiler K6, which is the last part of the project. Its pressure parts are expected to be completed in August; subsequently a pressure test will be performed, and afterwards works will continue with the installation of electrical equipment, metering instruments and insulation. In September 2015 the first start-up and operating tests are planned. Landscaping works and street construction were in progress around the completed parts of the project. Read more information about the project in Planá nad Lužnicí in section PLANA PROJECT. Photographs from the construction process are available in the PHOTOGALLERY.


Reconstruction of TG3 is about to be completed. The final assembly of the turbine has started; the equipment will be commissioned at the beginning of September. An official pressure test of the new high pressure steam pipeline where steam from the new boilers will be evacuated was successful.  Photographs from the project of TG3 removation are available in the PHOTOGALLERY.


The project of renovation of the heat distribution system will be completed in September. Losses will be reduced thanks to new dimensions of pipelines which suit the current needs of customers better and thanks to the use of modern pre-insulated pipeline technologies; most buildings will now be heated with the use of hot water not steam, which is less economical.


The last part of the Dust suppression project was completed and handed over at the end of July. Dust from the coal pile will be reduced by a new telescopic sleeve used in the process of unloading coal from conveyors and also by a new fog cannon. Photographs are available in the PHOTOGALLERY.


C-Energy will supply steam, hot water and electricity to the production and storage hall of Compact 3 which is being built in the immediate vicinity of the heating plant and will be operated by Silon s.r.o. 


June 5, 2015

Ecologization and renovation of the heating plant in Planá nad Lužnicí:  On 3rd June the local Building Authority issued the Final Approval for Use of  Phase I of the Ecologization project – it includes 4 gas motor-generators, HRSG boilers, the K4 boiler and the hot-water station. All the mentioned equipment had been successfully operated in the trial operation mode since its completion in September last year till its approval for permanent use on 3rd June this year. The recently completed coal boiler K5 and the desulphurisation unit  have been currently operated in the trial operation mode. The burning and desulphurization process has been tuned and the contractors, PSG and Invelt  companies, have been eliminating backlogs and minor defects. The construction of the second (and last) coal boiler has proceeded in harmony with the approved schedule.   Read more information about the project in Planá nad Lužnicí in section PLANA PROJECT. Photographs from the construction process are available in the PHOTOGALLERY.


The rotor has been removed from the renovated TG3 turbine generator and a new one is to be delivered to Planá by the end of June; the new rotor is currently finalized in the production plant of Siemens in Brno.  Various assembly and maintenance works are being performed on auxiliary equipment of the TG3. A new high-pressure steam pipeline compliant with parameters of the new boilers  has been constructed now. Photographs from the process of TG3 renovation are available in the PHOTOGALLERY.


During the summer the project of renovation of the heating distribution system in the Silon premises will be completed. At the same time C-Energy is preparing new connection lines to connect the new production and storage hall Compact 3 of the Silon company which is being constructed next to the heating plant. 

May 7, 2015wp 20150430 014

Ecologization and renovation of the heating plant in Planá nad Lužnicí:  Following the preliminary takeover of part II of the project in the mid-March 2015, boiler K5 and the desulphurisation unit has been operated in the trial-operation mode; minor defects and imperfections identified during the trial operation have been eliminated continuously. The first emission measuring was performed on K5 and its result confirmed the expected high standard and excellent values. The assembling of boiler K6 which is to be erected on the site of the former K2 boiler has proceeded in harmony with the time schedule. K6 will be identical – as to the construction as well as the output – with the recently commissioned K5. Read more information about the project in Planá nad Lužnicí in section PLANA PROJECT. Photographs from the construction process are available in the PHOTOGALLERY.


The turbine-generator TG3 was shut down as planned, on 1st May 2015. During the following 4 months PSG and Siemens will renovate the turbine, the main steam pipeline and other related equipment. The heating plant has now been operated in a purely heating mode, i.e. no electricity is produced in the highly efficient combined process of electricity and heat production; this production mode will be re-established in September 2015, after the new, more efficient turbine is commissioned.


The heating season was terminated as of the end of April. The winter of 2014/15 was another (after 2013/14) unusually warm winter which brought significant savings for heat consumers and reduced income on heat supplies for heat producers. However, C-Energy Bohemia is fortunately able to balance such fluctuations by income from other products and reliably keep advantageous heat prices for its customers. 

pipeline systemApril 9, 2015

Part II of the project Ecologization and renovation of the heating plant in Planá nad Lužnicí was completed and handed over to C-Energy Bohemia on 15 March 2015. It means that a new coal boiler K5 and the new desulphurization unit have been in trial operation since mid-March. Immediately after K5 was commissioned, the old K2 boiler was shut down. The boiler was dismantled very quickly and after Easter the area is prepared for the new K6 boiler assembling. Its completion is planned for October 2015. After K6 is completed and commissioned, the whole project of Ecologization and renovation of the heating plant worth more than CZK 1 billion will be completed. Read more information about the project in Planá nad Lužnicí in section PLANA PROJECT. Photographs from the construction process are available in the PHOTOGALLERY.


The currently operated turbine-generator TG3 (nominal output 46.5 MW) has entered the last month of its operation. At the end of April the device will be put out of operation and a general overhaul and reconstruction will be performed during the following four months. It is expected to result in a more efficient piece of equipment compatible with parameters of steam from the new boilers. The nominal output of the new turbine-generator will be 20 MW.


The project of Renovation of the heat distribution system continues with the assembly of hot-water pipelines on Silon premises. Works on steam pipelines in the northern section of the distribution system are about to be completed. The project has proceeded very quickly and is slightly ahead of the planned schedule.

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5. 3. 2015p2200032

Dílo II v rámci projektu Ekologizace a obnova teplárny v Plané nad Lužnicí je těsně před dokončením. Na kotli K5 probíhají zkoušky provozu a v první polovině března se očekává uvedení kotle do zkušebního provozu. Ve vazbě na provoz kotle bude zprovozněna i jednotka mokrého odsíření, díky níž bude společnost C-Energy Bohemia schopna plnit zpřísněné ekologické limity od roku 2016. Ihned po zahájení provozu K5 bude odstaven starý kotel K2 a předán generálnímu dodavateli k demontáži a následné montáži kotle K6.  Plynová část zdroje je v komerčním provozu.  Více informací o celém projektu obnovy teplárny v Plané nad Lužnicí najdete v sekci PROJEKT PLANÁ.  Nebo v sekci C-Energy v tisku.  Fotodokumentace z průběhu realizace projektu je k nahlédnutí ve FOTOGALERII.

S končící zimou byly zahájeny práce na druhé fázi projektu Rekonstrukce tepelných rozvodů teplárny v Plané nad Lužnicí. Během ní bude vyměněna tepelná izolace na páteřním parovodu a budou nahrazeny některé parovody v tlakové úrovni 0,2 MPa ekonomičtějšími a ekologičtějšími teplovody (95/65°C).

February 5, 2015 p1260108

The project of Ecologization and renovation of the heating plant in Planá nad Lužnicí continues with works on boiler K5 and the FGD unit. Pipelines, substations and electrical wiring are installed in the FGD building. In the mid-January 2015 gas burners of K5 were first lit and on 4th February there was a test of coal burning. At the same time a separation wall between the new K5 and the old K2 is being constructed so that the dismantling of the old K2 boiler could be launched soon. The gas section of the plant has been in operation. Read more information about the project in Planá nad Lužnicí in section PLANA PROJECT. Photographs from the construction process are available in the PHOTOGALLERY.

Preparations for turbine renovation have been in progress. The existing turbine whose output is 46,5 MWe is not compatible with steam parameters of new boilers, and therefore, needs to be rebuilt. Its output after the renovation will be 22 MWe. The turbine will be put out of operation in the early April 2015 and is planned to be restarted at the end of summer 2015. Works will be performed by Siemens, which installed the existing turbine in the plant 15 years ago.

Part II of the project of Reduction of dust nuisance of the coal operation in Planá nad Lužnicí was completed in due time (January 15). A new industrial vacuum cleaner was installed in the coal-transportation area and chutes connecting individual conveyor belts were equipped with low-pressure mist equipment that will reduce the dust nuisance significantly. Photographs from the implementation of the project are available in the PHOTOGALLERY.

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