December 9, 2014
Ecologization and renovation of the heating plant in Planá nad Lužnicí – the pressure and non-pressure parts of boiler K5 were completed in November 2014; electric wiring, regulation and measuring devices are being installed on the boiler and the ID fan is being assembled; boiler K5 is expected to be commissioned in March 2015 at the latest. Works continue in the desulphurization unit – the absorber and the 85-m tall stack have been completed. In the building of the desulphurization unit workers have been installing technological equipment. Read more information about the project in Planá nad Lužnicí in section PLANA PROJECT. Photographs from the construction process are available in the PHOTOGALLERY.
Reduction of dust nuisance of the coal operation in Planá nad Lužnicí – a new project was launched in the heating plant in October; the project should result in the reduction of the amount of dust from the coal pile and from the fly-ash and bottom ash loading sites.
Turbine renovation – C-Energy technicians are currently preparing the turbine renovation project; the project will be implemented by PSG – International and by Siemens – Industrial Turbomachinery; Siemens constructed the existing turbine in the plant fifteen years ago. The objective of the project is to optimize the operation of the turbine to match the changed parameters of new boilers and to maximize its efficiency.
Price list for 2015 – a new pricelist has been published here