December 9, 2014pc010032

Ecologization and renovation of the heating plant in Planá nad Lužnicí – the pressure and non-pressure parts of boiler K5 were completed in November 2014; electric wiring, regulation and measuring devices are being installed on the boiler and the ID fan is being assembled; boiler K5 is expected to be commissioned in March 2015 at the latest. Works continue in the desulphurization unit – the absorber and the 85-m tall stack have been completed. In the building of the desulphurization unit workers have been installing technological equipment. Read more information about the project in Planá nad Lužnicí in section PLANA PROJECT. Photographs from the construction process are available in the PHOTOGALLERY.

Reduction of dust nuisance of the coal operation in Planá nad Lužnicí – a new project was launched in the heating plant in October; the project should result in the reduction of the amount of dust from the coal pile and from the fly-ash and bottom ash loading sites.  

Turbine renovation – C-Energy technicians are currently preparing the turbine renovation project; the project will be implemented by PSG – International and by  Siemens – Industrial Turbomachinery; Siemens constructed the existing turbine in the plant fifteen years ago.  The objective of the project is to optimize the operation of the turbine to match the changed parameters of new boilers and to maximize its efficiency.

Price list for 2015 – a new pricelist has been published here

November 3, 2014desulfurization chimney

Ecologization and renovation of the heating plant in Planá nad Lužnicí – in mid-October the protocol on preliminary take-over of Work I – which includes 4 gas motorgenerators, 4 HRSG boilers, the spare boiler K4 and the hot-water station – was signed. This means that the trial operation of the aforementioned pieces of equipment was launched. The gas section of the plant, due to its capability of quick changes of output, will primarily be used for the provision of ancillary services which are intended to stabilize electricity supplies within the electricity transmission system in the Czech Republic. The heating plant has had a new dominant feature since October 2014 – the 85-meter-tall stack of the desulphurization unit. The process of assembling boiler K5 is about to be completed; works will continue with the installation of measuring instruments and the construction of refractory walls; the boiler is expected to be put into operation in March 2015. Read more information about the project in Planá nad Lužnicí in section PLANA PROJECT. Photographs from the construction process are available in the PHOTOGALLERY.

Renovation of the heat distribution system – steam has been supplied through brand new pipelines to Madeta a.s., Kostelecké uzeniny a.s. and HP Tronic spol s r.o. since autumn 2014. These new pipelines have more appropriate dimensions thanks to which losses are reduced.  In the Silon s.r.o. premises people can also notice first new sections of premium-quality pre-insulated pipelines. Works on this project will be resumed in spring 2015 when  the heat distribution system in Silon s.r.o. premises will be renovated and the hot-water pipeline for heat supplies to the town of Sezimovo Ústí will be replaced. It is also this project which enables C-Energy Bohemia s.r.o. to guarantee a stable price of heat on a long term basis. 

October 3, 2014p9240015-s

Ecologization and renovation of the heating plant in Planá nad Lužnicí – Landscaping has been in progress around of the gas production unit. Final tests before the commissioning of the two remaining motorgenerators have been performed; the first two motorgenerators, which have been fully completed, are already used in the production process. The foundations and absorber of the desulphurization unit which will be located on the southern edge of the plant premises  are currently under construction; after the completion, the absorber including the stack will be 85 meters tall, only 15 meters lower than the existing stack. Read more information about the project in Planá nad Lužnicí in section PLANA PROJECT. Photographs from the construction process are available in the PHOTOGALLERY.

Renovation of the heat distribution system -  the first part of the project has been completed except for minor backlogs; as early as this year we expect to recognize the difference resulting from properly dimensioned pipelines. A part of the money to cover the first invoice will be obtained from the European Union – the Cohesion Fund – Operational programme Environment .  Works will then be resumed in spring 2015 when  the heat distribution system in Silon s.r.o. premises will be renovated and the hot-water pipeline for heat supplies to the town of Sezimovo Ústí will be replaced.  

GM buildingSeptember 3, 2014

Ecologization and renovation of the heating plant in Planá nad Lužnicí – The company performed a whole range of maintenance work (which cannot be done while equipment is  during the complex outage of the production plant in C-Energy Bohemia s.r.o. in August. During the outage and soon after it two gas motorgenerators were completed and commissioned; authorities granted permit for their trial operation and nowadays the two motorgenerators have been used in production of electricity and related services. Read more information about the project in Planá nad Lužnicí in section PLANA PROJECT. Photographs from the construction process are available in the PHOTOGALLERY.

Renovation of the heat distribution system - the Brno company Tenza a.s. continues works on the first part of the project. Part I of the project has to be completed before the heating season starts, i.e. by the end of  September 2014.  Works will then be resumed in spring 2015 when  the heat distribution system in Silon s.r.o. premises will be renovated and the hot-water pipeline for heat supplies to the town of Sezimovo Ústí will be replaced.  The whole project is supposed to be completed in September 2015. This project shall result in optimization of pipeline dimensions and loss reduction.

July 1, 2014p6190022


Ecologization and renovation of the heating plant in Planá nad Lužnicí – in June 2014 all four gas motor-generators were commissioned and tested and subsequently successfully certified for ancillary service MZ5, i.e. 5-minute start-up. Currently works are performed to commission HRSG boilers which will utilize exhaust heat from the motor-generators. The assembly of new ecological boiler K5 was launched in June; large parts of the boiler will be installed through the roof of the boiler house which has been dismantled for that purpose. Read more information about the project in Planá nad Lužnicí in section PLANA PROJECT. Photographs from the construction process are available in the PHOTOGALLERY.

Renovation of the heat distribution system – immediately after the execution of a contract with the Brno company Tenza a.s. works on the first part of the project were launched. Part I of the project comprises the replacement of the steam pipeline supplying companies south of C-Energy (Madeta a.s. and Kostelecké uzeniny a.s.) and a part of the so called “northern branch”, i.e. pipelines within Silon premises; this portion of the project has to be completed in September 2014.  Works will then be resumed in spring 2015 when  the heat distribution system in Silon s.r.o. premises will be renovated and the hot-water pipeline for heat supplies to the town of Sezimovo Ústí will be replaced.  The whole project is supposed to be completed in September 2015.

Outage 2014 - Due to the planned outage of the 110 kV substation operated by company E.ON, C-Energy Bohemia will have to completely interrupt its operation between 7th – 10th August 2014. During that time no energy will be produced.

May 28, 2014p5210006


The implementation of the project Ecologization and renovation of the heating plant in Planá nad Lužnicí continues with the construction of pipelines for the distribution of gas, water and other operating liquids so that the operation of motor-generators could be launched soon. K3 boiler has been dismantled and preparatory works for the erection of the new ecological boiler K5 are in progress. The supplier of the desulfurization unit has been selected and has taken over the construction site – the FGD unit is supposed to be completed at the beginning of 2015. The high-pressure gas pipeline was approved for use by authorities in at the end of May.  Read more information about the project in Planá nad Lužnicí in section PLANA PROJECT. Photographs from the construction process are available in the PHOTOGALLERY.

The tender on the Renovation of the heat distribution system has been completed and C-Energy Bohemia signed a contract with the winner – Brno company Tenza a.s. In the last week of May coordination meetings between technicians from C-Energy Bohemia and Tenza took place. With regard to the fact that works need to be performed during summer month, the large-scale renovation will be performed in two phases. Work I which comprises the replacement of the steam pipeline supplying companies south of C-Energy (Madeta a.s. and Kostelecké uzeniny a.s.) and a part of the so called “northern branch”, i.e. pipelines within Silon premises will be completed in September 2014.  Works will be resumed in spring 2015 when  the heat distribution system in Silon s.r.o. premises will be renovated and the hot-water pipeline for heat supplies to the town of Sezimovo Ústí will be replaced.  The whole project is supposed to be completed in September 2015.

Funding: during the first days of May 2014 C-Energy received another portion of the money from the subsidy granted from the EU funds (from the European Fund for Regional Development / Cohesion Fund) within the Operational Programme Environment, Priority Axis 2.

April 25, 2014plyn kotelna duben


The implementation of the project Ecologization and renovation of the heating plant in Planá nad Lužnicí continues with the construction of HRSG boilers and gas motor-generators. Pipelines for the distribution of gas, water and other operating liquids are gradually assembled and welded. The dismantling of K3 boiler is about to be completed; subsequently preparatory works for the erection of the new ecological boiler K5 will be launched. The newly built high-pressure gas pipeline is expected to be approved for use soon. Read more information about the project in Planá nad Lužnicí in section PLANA PROJECT. Photographs from the construction process are available in the PHOTOGALLERY.

The last phase of the tender on the Renovation of the heat distribution system has started. At the moment negotiations with applicants take place and after they are completed, a contract will be signed with the winner of the tendering procedure and works will be launched without delay.

Funding: during the first days of May 2014 C-Energy expects to receive another portion of the money from the subsidy granted from the EU funds (from the European Fund for Regional Development / Cohesion Fund) within the Operational Programme Environment, Priority Axis 2.

March 16, 2014p3130061


Ecologization and renovation of the heating plant in Planá nad Lužnicí

On 16th March 2014  the K3 boiler was put out of action as planned, and the following day its dismantling was launched. The boiler – a part of the key machinery in the plant - had been in operation for 46 years. After it is  dismantled and removed, it is to be replaced with a modern and ecological boiler K5 which is to be put into operation at the beginning of 2015. On Monday 17th March 2014 the reconstructed K4 boiler was taken over from the contractor for trial operation. K4 is not to be operated permanently, it will be used as a spare boiler. Gas motor-generators have been delivered to the site and currently the machinery building where the motor-generators will be operated is being built. At the same time the heat recovery steam generators and steel stands for pipelines are being constructed. More information about the project of the heating plant renovation is available in the  PROJECT PLANÁ section.  For photos from the construction site go to the Image Gallery.

Project funding: In the mid-March 2014 C-Energy Bohemia s.r.o. received another portion of the money from the subsidy granted from the European Funds (from the European Fund for Regional Development / Cohesion Fund) within the Operational Programme Environment, Priority Axis 2.


February 13, 2014


The implementation of the project Ecologization and renovation of the heating plant in Planá nad Lužnicí has progressed successfully also, but not only, due to this year´s mild winter. The foundations for the building where the gas motors will be placed are being built. The motors are expected to be delivered to Planá during the 8th week of 2014. The service pipe to supply gas to boiler K4 is about to be completed. In March the demolition of one of the old coal boilers will be launched; the boiler will be replaced with a new, more ecological and efficient type. For more information about the whole project  click at PROJEKT PLANÁ. Photographs documenting the progress of works are available in our PHOTOGALLERY.  

January 10, 2014p1020349


Project funding: In December 2013 C-Energy Bohemia concluded a contract on a bank loan granted by a consortium of banks comprising Unicredit, Česká spořitelna and Raiffeisenbank amounting to CZK 768 million. The provided funds will used for the renovation of the heating plant in Planá nad Lužnicí. The largest of the implemented projects – Ecologization and renovation of the heating plantin Planá nad Lužnicí – is also co-funded from the European Union funds (from the European Fund for Regional Development / Cohesion Fund) within the Operational Programme Environment, Priority Axis 2 – Air Quality Improvement and Emission Reduction. In mid-December 2013 our account was credited with CZK 118 million from the granted subsidy the total of which should amount almost to CZK 300 million. After this project is completed the amount of polluting substances emitted in the air will be significantly reduced; for the comparison of the current and future ecological impact see the TABLE. More information about the whole project of the heating plant renovation see the section PLANA PROJECT.

Renovation of the heat distribution system: The qualification part of the public tender on the “Renovation of the heat distribution system in Planá nad Lužnicí” is in progress. For details go to the following website. For the current and additional information follow the public tender website.