20. 12. 2012

Publishing of the Tender Documentation

for the project of Ecologization and Renovation of the Heating Plant in Planá nad Lužnicí

The qualification documentation, the tender documentation and the documentation for the zoning and building permit has been published at the following website https://www.vhodne-uverejneni.cz/profil/25106481 since today.

10. 11. 2012

New Price list

The Planá nad Lužnicí Heating Plant has issued a new price list for the supplies of heat and condensate in 2013. The new price rules will be applied from 1.1.2013. For the price list click HERE.

navyseni5. 11. 2012

C-Energy Bohemia has Increased its Equity

C-Energy Bohemia has increased its equity by CZK 310,368,000 as a result of capitalization of a credit granted by Ecotec Bohemia Corporation. The owner is hereby preparing C-Energy Bohemia for the project of Ecologization and Renovation of the Heating Plant in Planá nad Lužnicí.

obnova20. 10. 2012

The Ecologization and Renovation Project

The project of Ecologization and Renovation of the Heating Plant in Planá is intended to change the existing plant into a more efficient, more ecological and economical power source. Detailed information on the planned project is to be found in section PLANÁ PROJECT

Current events in the Planá Project 
An application for a grant from the Operational Programme Environment to co-fund the project of Ecologization and Renovation of the Heating Plant in Planá nad Lužnicí was filed with the regional branch of the State Environmental Fund of the Czech Republic at the end of August 2012.

obal15. 10. 2012

The Planá Plant Has Cofounded a Book of Photographs

C-Energy Bohemia gave a sponsor's gift to amateur photographer Petr Mareš for his book of photographs Tábor / Sezimovo Ústí / Planá nad Lužnicí which was published in September this year. For more information about this beautiful book click HERE.

sezona5. 10. 2012

The Heating Season has Started

The heating season 2012/2013 started with the first cold autumn days in the second half of September. If you have questions or problems do not hesitate to contact our employees. Contact data available from CONTACTS.